If it’s fission you lack

Chirikov equation
Chirikov equation (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
The Grand Challenge Equations: San Diego Super...
The Grand Challenge Equations: San Diego Supercomputer Center (Photo credit: dullhunk)
Téléportation quantique
Téléportation quantique (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
English: Paul Dirac with wife, July 1963 at Co...
English: Paul Dirac with wife, July 1963 at Copenhagen Deutsch: Paul Dirac mit Gattin, Juli 1963 in Kopenhagen (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
I am so deeply cynical about you,

I am full of love,hateful but true.
But you don’t even email me.
You hold so negatively
To Hawking’s view
About quantum field theory.
You are up the South Pole,
You swallowed his theory whole.
I am lost in the Northern Lights.
I even miss those fights.
I hope a white polar bear
will drag me to it’s lair,
Then I shan’t have to think any more
About Paul Dirac and Tony Blair.
If I’m so caring towards you,
Can’t you love a little too?
I’ll accept String theory,
If it means so much to you.
I wish the square root of three
Less irrational could be,
Because you are irrational enough for me
Especially when you miss your tea
Your blood sugar is too low
you are diabetic you know!
Oh, don’t leave me again
Not now just when
I have at last understood,
I too am flesh and blood.
I’ll do anything to win
Your affection again.
I can learn any branch of topology
Or Aquinas‘ difficult theology.
I’ll even learn how to fly,
And take you up in the sky.
Why can’t we try?
Is my life a black lie?
I’ll do all that I can
If you’ll believe I’m a man.
This could be the Garden of Eden
But you are leaving me grieving.
We could start a family
If you were not so cynically,
Pressing all the wrong keys.
Oh,do love me please!
Hate me too if you like,
Ambivalence is alright,
Especially at night
When the full moon is bright.
What a special sight,
When we switch off the lightI shall get permissionFor nuclear fusion
But if it’s fission you lack,
Who am I to hold you back?
We’ll go up with a scream,
That’s all my whole life has been.

Lonely - Touching Space